One Liner | Two liner Quotes

  1. Life is hell, still I'm well.
  2. Life is boring without Loneliness.
  3. I can't buy smiles. But I can give it free. :-j
  4. I remember all those things which never happened.
  5. Jafaaon se nhin wafaaon se dar lgta hai, sahab!
  6. Fun is something else to be ruin in love.
  7. Add life to day not day to life.
  8. Suffering from assignment.
  9. Nobody wants to hear this, but sometimes the person you want most, is person you are best without. 
  10. Remembering the past is futile to regret. 
  11. Ye sikhaya hai dosti ne hume dost banker kabhi wafa na kro..!
  12. Sometimes following your heart means losing your mind.
  13. I remained lonely despite being loyal and sincere.
  14. Sunday ho ya Monday... Everyday is Fun-day!
  15. Money eats friendship.
  16. Which time has passed will never come.
  17. I don't have need to maintain my image. Care about yours.
  18. Being in love never goes out of style.
  19. Live righteously. God will give you everything you need.
  20. I mustered the clay and made toys too.... Life never smiled again like childhood.
  21. Words fell short here always to paint the state of heart.... its deepest desire.
  22. I'm sorry if you don't like my honesty, but to be fair, I don't like your lies.
  23. Leave me alone! No time for another shit!
  24. Fake people have an image to maintain, real people just don't give a shit.
  25. Who says that he does not lie... Only for once ask him for his well-being.
  26. Death appears yet fails to arrive. 
  27. I've met him many times for the last time.
  28. Wednesday feels like neutral. Sunday still very far.....
  29. I see the love in your eyes.... the love you decided never to proclaim. 
  30. Study has no end.
  31. Those who say, they afraid of darkness. Probably, they've never seen light before.
  32. Let's sleep in quest of truth.... In the morning, we have to see this lie world again.
  33. There are times when Solitude is better than society and Silence is wiser than speech.
  34. My tears are very loyal to me.... never step out without my permission.
  35. Roaming in the woods of dreams.
  36. Leave me alone! I want to see my mirror image every day, please don't kill my desire.
  37. If my last wish is you... will you promise to meet me in next birth.
  38. It doesn't take much time for times to change.
  39. We live by looking at the infidel who we are willing to die for.
  40. Smile is in vogue.
  41. Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower.
  42. She treated me as a choice... I made her my past.
  43. Peace begins with Smile!
  44. My heart is a secret garden and the walls are very high.
  45. Wandering is a search to know more.
  46. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
  47. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had.
  48. Sleep less, tired. Sleep more, tired. What kind of this shitt.. man!
  49. Identification Mark: A c-ut mark in Heart.
  50. Seeing stars during the day..!
  51. If you tired with the rush of life. Remember, you need sleep.
  52. Suffering from decency..!
  53. Appears.... yet fails to arrive.
  54. Yes, we are not made for each other. Instead we live in each other.
  55. I had already died, a chance for rebirth is arriving.
  56. Lying on the grass and staring at the sky is by no means a waste of time.
  57. Whenever you miss me just remember you had me and I wasn't enough.
  58. Fell in love with.. pain!
  59. He betrayed at that time when faith was on the extreme. 
  60. "Good by Heart" is not a compliment.
  61. "Good by Heart" means not much good.
  62. I miss how close we were..!
  63. Cheating just shows lack of respect and maturity.
  64. At all times, the heart is standing at an intersection. #Dilemma
  65. Who has to walk with the world will not be able to walk with me.
  66. I wish I had learned to cry.
  67. In effort to say how long I've gone through silence.
  68. One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
  69. Everything can be repaired except the trust. Trust.. once broken its never the same.
  70. Lost in the scattered things of the room.
  71. It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.
  72. Feeling safe in someone's energy is a different type of intimacy.
  73. The distance between you and me is made by you. Now don't expect anything from me. 
  74. Can the old "us" come back..!
  75. Each pain of heart has lost.... became hard as stone.
  76. Often the hardest person to forgive is yourself.
  77. Friendship means the memories last, even if contact is lost.
  78. I got lost and you got lost..., taking two steps on the same stream.
  79. Grass is Greener where you water it.
  80. Saddest part of our life is seeing our best friend slowly losing interest to us.
  81. Who has gone astray will return. Who has changed, where will he come from..!
  82. Lots of hidden mystery.
  83. Lost in "October" in the month of December.
  84. Don't ask me for relationship advice. I'm single. I promote break-ups.
  85. If you can't come yourself, send holy water..!
  86. One step forward and Two steps backward.
  87. Everyday I live by die.
  88. Heart recalls you a hundred times in a moment.
  89. The deeper your feelings, the harder they are to express.
  90. What missing in life that void will always be there.
  91. There is beauty in how we frame it.
  92. Woke up alive is a best occasion.
  93. Who made my friend like stranger..!
  94. A friend is one of the nicest things we can have and one of the best thing we can be.
  95. It's never too late to be happy.
  96. Great things take time.
  97. Smile! Everything will be okay.

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